Be a Doctor of Pharmacy
Your professors and parents may have pushed you to pursue a career in medicine if you are a student who excels in the sciences (chemistry, biology, and mathematics) – be a Doctor of Pharmacy. However, medicine is a highly sought-after field with numerous facets, so you have many possibilities.
The pharmacy field is frequently underestimated, and it is one that you should carefully explore.
Here are some of the important reasons to give a pharmacy career serious consideration:

You’re Not Very Good at Gore
The reality is that every medical student will be exposed to some blood and gore at various points throughout their education. Still, some people are less enthusiastic about seeing it daily. The pharmacy field is one of the most ‘clean’ in all of medicine. At the most, you’ll be expected to administer flu injections and possibly observe rashes on your patients’ skin. Daily, you will not be confronted with gruesome sights and sounds.
You Desire a Consistent Work Schedule
The hours of doctors who work in emergency medicine and those who do surgery are frequently irregular and extended. Choosing a pharmacy is a fantastic career decision if you want to start a family, are passionate about your hobbies, or require lots of sleep to perform at your best. Pharmacists often work defined hours, with both full-time and part-time employment opportunities available. To complete the prescription filling process, you may need to stay a few minutes over closing time now and again.
You Take Pleasure in Interacting with Patients
Some surgeons spend their careers working in laboratories, while others spend their entire lives operating on patients while they are conscious. Pharmacists are fantastic candidates if you consider yourself a “people person” who enjoys conversing with and informing others about various topics. Patient education is essential, and they will frequently have a slew of questions for you to answer concerning their prescription prescriptions. If you simply propose a decent cream or demonstrate proper use of a glucose monitor, many of your patients will return later to express their gratitude for your assistance in improving their quality of life.
You are interested in attending school online
There are many Pharm programs available online, allowing you the freedom to complete your studies without having to relocate or commute to the nearest university that offers a pharmacy school. If you are a nontraditional student or live in a rural region will be highly beneficial to you.
You Wish to Continue Your Education Throughout Your Life
New medications are continuously being developed and approved for use, while others are being phased out or having more contraindications added to their labeling criteria. Pharmacy is not a profession that is in a state of stagnation. You should consider a career in pharmacy if you want to continue learning throughout your life.
A Distinctive Approach to Healthcare
While the vast majority of students choose pharmacy school because they want to serve others, some students choose pharmacy because they want to be as far away as possible from the traditional doctorate activities associated with the field. Believe it or not, several pharmacy students have stated that they were lured to the area because they did not want to come into contact with blood. If this describes you, a job in pharmacy may be the best of both worlds for you, as pharmacists can aid patients without having to deal with blood and guts regularly.
The desire for career flexibility in one’s choice
Another compelling motivation for students to enroll in pharmacy school is the diversity of career paths available in the field of pharmacy – be a doctor of pharmacy. You can choose from a variety of careers in pharmacy, ranging from nuclear pharmacy, which utilizes radioactive medications to treat diseases such as cancer, to veterinary pharmacy, which hand-makes medicines for animals, to choose the one that most interests you. It is also vital to keep in mind that you do not need to know what you want to do straight away. A pharmacy degree (PharmD) is prominent. As a result, it opens the door to a plethora of opportunities while also providing you with the time to explore the disciplines that interest you the most.